Monday, 11 June 2012

Argument For Theistic Evolution

I'm not sure if someone has done something similar to this (only better) to argue for Theistic  Evolution, but this is a rough draft of my argument, not only for Theistic Evolution, but for the coherence of God's existence and the existence of the Evolutionary Theory. If asked to define Theistic Evolution it would be a process decided on by God before the creation of the universe for developing life which would bring around beings in His own image. In other words, evolution is a tool used by God for bringing us about.

I would also like to say that I am not at all opposed to the Intelligent Design theory in regards to the origin of life. I find it probable that in order to bring organic from non-organic, that it would take the intervention of God to do so. With that said, I also find it probable that an omniscient Being could create a universe that would bring about the organic from the inorganic. So if asked which side of the fence I stand on in regards to Intelligent Design and life coming about naturally, I would say "I'm neither, I'm 50/50." I am not, however, going to place all my chips on that one hand, as I see how it is completely coherent (given an omniscient, omnipotent being) that God could have created a universe that did just that. This argument, which can be construed as an argument against Intelligent Design in the biological sense, is geared more towards Young Earth and Old Earth Creationism.

I will be reworking this as I think more about it. Here is a rough version I came up with at the gym the other day (no better time to think than when I'm lifting weights):

1) God is omniscient, omnipotent, morally perfect and has given mankind freedom of the will.
2) If God is omniscient, then He knew that mankind would be curious and probe deeply the natural world.
3) If God has given mankind freewill, then He would not make it so compelling a case of His existence, that through this exploration of the natural world, mankind would forced to conclude that God exists.
4) If God is omnipotent then He could create a universe which would bring about intelligent life.
5) If God is omnipotent then He could have created this universe with all the built-in appearances of age in six literal days.
6) If God is the morally perfect then He is incapable of deception, to create a universe with the appearance of age would be to deceive His creation.
7) According to modern Cosmology the universe appears to be much older then 6000-20000 years of age, around 13.7 billion years.
8) According to modern Biology, life appears to have evolved from a starting point of 3.8 billion years ago.
9) Therefore, if God is omniscient, omnipotent, morally perfect and has given mankind freedom of the will then it doesn't appear this way, it actually happened this way, which is within the scope of an omniscient, omnipotent Being.

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